“Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Mathew 6:24 ESV.
Are you carrying a burden today as you work for your family? Are you casting this burden upon the Lord? Casting our burdens upon the creator of the universe is truly a simple request, but one which often results in more labor to accomplish, than the burden which weighs us down. The key is whether or not one is living a life this day which is “careful for nothing.”
Charles Spurgeon points out in his daily devotional, “Care, even though exercised upon legitimate objects, if carried to excess, has in it the nature of sin.”
He goes on to explain that our anxiety is sinful because we ultimately are perceiving ourselves as “wiser than God.” As we assess the day before us, we must rest confidently and peacefully that Christ alone has already prepared our day. Gods word assures us of this peace in Isaiah 26:3, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee.” Today may look quite different from the business plan that we have designed. We must hold fast, that Christ is about His business, and He has written the events that will occur. He has shaped the opportunities, He has opened some doors, and He has closed others. He has granted favor, and He has withheld the rain He will mete out the wins and losses of our lives today with His precise balance. Best of all, He has done all of this to bless us, to sanctify us, and to glorify Himself.
What a comfort to know that every burden today has been selected and crafted for us in Gods plan. Persevero!